

Project Type: Mobility of Youth Workers
Date of Realization: 21.8.2019 – 2.9.2019
Place of Realization: Dedinky Mlynky, Hostel NITA
The aim is to encourage young people to take an active part in public life at local, national and European level.

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YOUth Brand – Make Yourself Employable!

YOUth Brand – Make Yourself Employable!

Project Type: Mobility of Youth Workers
Date of Realization: 5.9.2019 – 13.9.2019
Place of Realization: Vayk, Armenia
The aim of the project is to teach young people soft skills needed to increase employability and competitiveness in the labor market.

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Start Pack for Youth Workers

Start Pack for Youth Workers

Project Type: Mobility of Youth Workers
Date of Realization: 20.10.2019 – 27.10.2019
Place of Realization: Jablonov nad Turňou, Hotel Granárium
The training course is focused on the development of non-formal education, project management and facilitation competencies.

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Pour Faciliter 2020

Pour Faciliter 2020

Project Type: Mobility of Youth Workers
Date of Realization: 17.12.2019 – 3.1.2020
Place of Realization: Drienica, Hotel Javorná
The goal is to help facilitators become self-sufficient and lead groups of people with an understanding of group dynamics and teamwork.

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Leaders of Future

Leaders of Future

Project Type: Mobility of Youth Workers
Date of Realization:
Place of Realization: Dedinky Mlynky, Ubytovňa NITA
The aim of the training course is to develop the leadership competencies of youth leaders of our organizations.

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